Saturday, August 20, 2005

Saudis are demolishing Muhammed's house!

From pure point of view of aesthetics I see nature’s deft strokes the best work of art. When I first saw images of Angkor Vat temple complex, of a giant head peering down at you through the thick canopy of tropical trees and partial view of delicate ornate structure of the temple hidden behind the trees, I was completely mesmerized. Now I am pretty disillusioned about the temple. The sanitized version of restored temple doesn’t exude the same aura. Imagine a partially ruined Taj Mahal with Peepul trees jutting out of its crevices, its base deformed by the roots of growing trees and largely hidden behind thick growth, wouldn’t that be awesome. Letting your imagination take a flight and complete the missing lines to visualize the awesome original work as you do with the Konark temple, isn’t imagination better than the real thing.

In any case nothing is permanent. Even Allah will not survive time.

दैत्य का उद्धार

 प्राचीन काल में वितस्ता नदी के तट पर ऋषिवर मुंडकेश्वर, 5000 गाय सहित, एक  विशाल आश्रम में रहते थे । अनेक ऋषि और सैकड़ों विद्यार्थी वहां  रह ...