Sunday, July 22, 2007


It's funny how complex things turn out in the end while a leader's simplification of a problem endears the populace. When George W Bush will leave, he will leave an intractable mess in Iraq, just the opposite of what he promised to clear. And people will be same again ready for a ride by some other demagogue.

Have we forgotten Vietnam? Ah! History repeats because we love simplistic generalizations.

दैत्य का उद्धार

 प्राचीन काल में वितस्ता नदी के तट पर ऋषिवर मुंडकेश्वर, 5000 गाय सहित, एक  विशाल आश्रम में रहते थे । अनेक ऋषि और सैकड़ों विद्यार्थी वहां  रह ...