Thursday, September 18, 2008

Molten Gold

It began with diffusion of gold spreading and dissipating down. The contaminated azure though soon overwhelmed yellow tinge. Deep dark mercury covered the bottom in bland geometric rectangle. In the interface stood silhouette of a breathtaking cluster of trees lonely and uncared. In the background the profile of mountains was barely visible. The picture has been taken in an inspired moment....................

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I think people by and large are same everywhere. The facade of tolerance in people is only so much deep until there is just the whiff of threat to their cozy existence. Haven’t there been cases of vigilante justice in the aftermath of 9/11! And how old is the Second World War!

The only religions that were tolerant were those which did not believe in proselytisation and this primarily due to their monumental smugness about the superiority of their faith।

Any reference to past for the purpose of comparison is bogus; the parameters of existence were totally different. Tolerance comes from a sense of security about not being overwhelmed by an alien philosophy we are not used and which could alter our life style. We, in general, hate life style alteration and would like to maintain status quo merely because it is a situation we are coping with no matter how bad it is. For this precise reason we fear ‘Death’ because it means certain alteration in life style. Deep down we all, if not believe at least crave for continuation of existence.


This Allama Iqbal sh'er is slightly altered :

कभी ऐ हकी़क़त-ऐ-मुन्तज़र नज़र आ लिबास-ऐ-मजाज़ में
के हज़ारों सजदे उमड़ पड़े हैं मेरी जबीं -ऐ -नियाज़ में

हकी़क़त-ऐ-मुन्तज़र - unfolding fate
मजाज़ - manifest
लिबास-ऐ-मजाज़ - show up in physical form

original :

"के हज़ारों सजदे तड़प रहे हैं मेरी जबीं -ऐ -नियाज़ में "

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दैत्य का उद्धार

 प्राचीन काल में वितस्ता नदी के तट पर ऋषिवर मुंडकेश्वर, 5000 गाय सहित, एक  विशाल आश्रम में रहते थे । अनेक ऋषि और सैकड़ों विद्यार्थी वहां  रह ...