Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Death: Terminus or Interface?
‘Purpose’ is so imbedded in our psyche that it is not possible to visualize life without it. We see everywhere activities meticulously following a pre-ordained objective. But then there are also random dispersal of events occurring spontaneously which are ejected out of mind as irrational. Often we assign them abstract purposes. Religion plays an important role in devising objectives to such random occurrences.
Therefore our inability to visualize life without an objective is similar to our inability to visualize warping of three dimension spaces. But space too warps and it is a fact of life and therefore there is no reason why death could very well be ‘Terminus’ and not an ‘Interface’ signifying perpetuality of life.
Broken Car
The car’s number plate on the back dangled on one end. The owner apparently was not interested in correcting the anomaly. Every time he looked at the car it annoyed him. Some thing eerie about it, very irritating in otherwise a perfect car.
Just as this piece of writing.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Funny Story This!
Bhartrihari, the ancient ascetic wrote several compendiums of hundred verses each on subjects such as Shringar, Nature etc. Pleased, Yama offered him 100 years of fruitful life in the form an ‘Apple’ to be eaten. Bhartrihari loved his wife very much and therefore the Shringar verses. So instead of eating the fruit he offered it to his wife. Now wife loved somebody else; a General in the kings court. So she offered it to the General. Again, the General in turn was infatuated to a maid in the court and naturally offered the fruit to her. As is predictable, the story doesn’t end here, the maid obviously was in awe of the king therefore the fruit went to the King.
King naturally wasn’t impressed so called for a thorough enquiry to get to the bottom of the truth. When the truth was revealed, Bhartrihari was completely devastated and took vairaagya and eventually ended up writing hundred verses on Vairaagya.
What happened to the Apple?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
दैत्य का उद्धार
प्राचीन काल में वितस्ता नदी के तट पर ऋषिवर मुंडकेश्वर, 5000 गाय सहित, एक विशाल आश्रम में रहते थे । अनेक ऋषि और सैकड़ों विद्यार्थी वहां रह ...
Sun lijiye fursat hai, phir kya ho khuda jaane? kab se haiN mere dil maiN, betaab kuch afsaane! Like everybody else I too always had a re...
शिशिर कणों से लदी हुई कमली के भीगे हैं सब तार चलता है पश्चिम का मारुत ले कर शीतलता का भार भीग रहा है रजनी का वह सुंदर कोमल कबरी भाल अरुण किर...
( महाभारत का यह बेहद ही नाटकीय हिस्सा है, मैंने इस एक नया अर्थ देने की कोशिश की है) यक्ष - रुको! मेरे सवालों के जवाब दिए बिना तुम पानी नहीं ...