Friday, September 07, 2007

Music & Noise

One man’s music could be noise for another man. Noise apparently is collection of random sounds having absolutely no pattern or periodicity. Music on the other hand have patterns, simple or complex, fast or slow in tempo. Noise also have an essential component; energy! But music can also have bursts of energy. As a teenager I thought ‘Naach meri jaan phata phut’ was great song to gyrate but later in life the same song is no more than irritating noise. Then there is folk music which probably evolved with our need to make rhythmic movement to sounds or vice versa, therefore have energy as an essential element.

And then most arts forms imitate a pattern of building up gradual tempo to reach a climactic crescendo as in classical ragas or western classical music. Pop music though begins and ends with relentless assault of energy filled percussion sounds.

Does life imitate classical style music, a pattern of gradual ripening of taste for less energy but more subtlety? In that sense music canvas of a young man is much larger as he enjoys all kinds of music without inhibitions on the other hand he has little focus nor long attention span.

Monday, September 03, 2007

D R E A M S !

My dreams are always short unless I am being chased by animals or assassins or falling in a dark bottomless well; in such cases they are adrenalin pumping endless scenes of huffing and puffing. But sometimes I have eerie surrealistic dreams of quiet serenity which leaves me disturbed for some time. Early this morning I had a short dream of a house which resembled a red-tiled house, I lived in as child in Secunderabad. This house, however, was standalone and larger with many more rooms. I waded through the completely dark house; none of the switches would work adding to my frustration. Then I saw my mother moving around the house with ease of a person used to live in the darkness. She had that trademark harried expression I could make out due to faded light seeping in through open doors and windows. She wouldn’t acknowledge my presence. I tried hard to switch some of the lights on but in vain. Soon the dream faded…..

Later in the evening annoyed at my father’s intransigence at not relinquishing TV set, my wife complained to me at the contrasting natures of my father and my mother. I remembered the dream of early morning and recounted it to her. She abruptly said, we should light a lamp before her photograph, I didn’t protest. In fact I felt an irresistible urge to do it immediately.

Why do we need God?

Because, we think! We think in an entrapped space through a software. There are layers to it, a part which comes to us preloaded and a part evolves with us. Happiness and melancholy are graded states of Mind, causing release of juices that either relaxes our muscles or agitates us in degrees. We have little control over these occurrences depending on how evolved our Mind is.

I felt good when a candle was lit before my mother’s frame.

दैत्य का उद्धार

 प्राचीन काल में वितस्ता नदी के तट पर ऋषिवर मुंडकेश्वर, 5000 गाय सहित, एक  विशाल आश्रम में रहते थे । अनेक ऋषि और सैकड़ों विद्यार्थी वहां  रह ...