Wednesday, March 05, 2008

इक बार वक्त से लम्हा गिरा कहीं.............................

Incompatible references in a statement baffle our mind. Sometimes we reject them as ranting of lunatics but when uttered by important persons in all seriousness we are compelled to explore their meaning. Even if we are unable make any sense of these statements we are still fascinated by them for the possibilities they throw out.

When scientist say that the universe is expanding, I used to think what they really meant was that the matter was spreading out farther in space. I had this view of the universe having a centre and concentration of matter around it with limitless empty space spreading out in all directions. Our mind is not equipped to visualize three dimensional space warping and folding therefore when the scientists say that universe is nearly homogenous i.e. the density is uniform across the universe I was perplexed. Then I realized what it really meant was that universe expanding means space is expanding. Therefore the concept of universe also dramatically changed. It is like this, there is no centre of universe just as a loop does not have a middle point; every point is centre of the universe and space folding back into a loop.

Detaching of lamhaa from waqt is similar to streak of space stretching out something like liquid glue creeping down at the force of gravity yet not truly detaching from the blob of gum. Both at the rational level appear incomprehensible, but in philosophical terms segmented life being lived in moment by moment fashion.

ik baar waqt se lamhaa giraa kahiiN
इक बार वक्त से लम्हा गिरा कहीं............... is part of life you have not ived…….

दैत्य का उद्धार

 प्राचीन काल में वितस्ता नदी के तट पर ऋषिवर मुंडकेश्वर, 5000 गाय सहित, एक  विशाल आश्रम में रहते थे । अनेक ऋषि और सैकड़ों विद्यार्थी वहां  रह ...